Friday, January 30, 2015

the Chameleon's before and after

So I decided to do a before and after picture today to show the drastic change from me without makeup to me with my normal makeup routine! I love before and after pictures because I find them fascinating as well as entertaining. Doing my makeup is one of my favorite things to do in the morning! It's super time consuming, but if I have enough time, it's actually like really relaxing for me!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lip Tar Review!

Okay, so I wore my blue lip tar yesterday for the first time! This was taken after a long day of wearing it! Here is what I thought of it~
It's such a beautiful color. The blue is so opaque. However, it gets fucking everywhere! I had blue all over my hands from accidentally touching my lips. I even somehow smeared it on my nose! It also doesn't dry like I thought it would. It is kind of matte, but because it doesn't really dry that much, it's not as matte as I would have liked it to be. Beautiful color, not great consistency. I love the idea of this brand where you can mix the colors, so I would definitely recommend it. Just use the tiniest bit for your lips or you'll be covered in colored tar!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Obsessive Compulsive...Cosmetics?

So I went to Sephora the other day and got this bright blue lip tar! Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics makes it and they are the coolest things ever! They're a thick matte lip...tar? it's thicker than lip gloss but not as solid as lipstick. They also make black and white, so they're mix able to make all kinds of tints and shades! They also have like yellow and many many shades of purples, pinks, reds, even a baby blue! However, if I got white I would be able to make the same baby blue with this blue! It's like paint for your lips! They're also super opaque and pigmented! Even though they're $18, it's soooo worth it!! Highly recommended.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


The Liebster Award

I got nominated by Megan Jade for the Leibster Award, an award for undiscovered blogs! Her blog is super cute so stop what you're doing right now and look at it. 


  • Thank and link to the person who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions given by the nominator
  • Nominate 11 other blogs and link them (under 200 followers)
  • Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer
  • Finally notify your nominations via social media/blogs

1. Where is your favourite place in the world?
     I've only been to two countries outside the US, that were for mission trips- Honduras and Mexico, and those places bring me so much sadness because of the way people are forced to live. SO, out of places I've actually been, Nantucket would be be favorite place (and I'm related to 2 out of the 5 men who founded it which is kinda cool). If I got to choose my favorite place that I've never been to, but would like to-it would be Australia! (:

2. How much would you be willing to spend on an item of clothing? 
Not much, lol. I'm broke as fuck so anything under $20, unless it's not my money!

3. Who is your 'style icon'?
I have a few. I LOVE Vanessa Hudgens, Taylor Swift and Lana del Rey. I love Vanessa because she's super boho, flower child looking and I think that's the cutest look. Taylor is just super classy and classic in whatever she wears because she's perf. And Lana just has the greatest relaxing, beautiful sense of style.

4. What is your current favorite song?
I don't have one particular song right now, but just about anything on Taylor Swift's 1989 or Macklemore's The Heist. They are my favs. 

5. Do you collect anything?
Nope! Random crap, mainly. I'm a bit of a hoarder and have a hard time getting rid of things!

6. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Good God, a lot. I just asked my mom how many she thinks I own and she gave me a snide look and said "too many." Lol, maybe like two and a half dozen? 

7. What is your guilty pleasure?
Pokémon. Super lame, I know, but I love it.

8. Do you watch any YouTubers? If so, who? 
YES! I love YouTube!! I love The Young Turks which is a super awesome news vlog, Vsauce, a science vlog, and obviously Jenna Marbles and Taylor Swift. 

9. What is one amazing thing that happened to you in 2014?
2014 was actually a horrible year for me so like, maybe going off to college for the first time would be it.

10. What are your hopes for 2015? 
To have fun and be happy (:

11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? 
I want to be happy and making money!

I don't really know how to tell if someone has under 200 followers, but these blogs are cool.

My Questions:
1. What do you want to do with your life?
2. What motivated you to create your blog?
3. Your favorite specific thing to blog about?
4. One place you'd love to travel to?
5. What would be the first thing you do if you won a million dollars?
6. What is one major thing you would like to accomplish within the next two years?
7. What is your dream car?
8. How many blog posts do you have?
9. If you could learn one language, what would it be?
10. Cats or dogs?
11. Biggest accomplishment in your life so far?

'Cause baby I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream

I'm not really into music like some people are, but I love listening to undiscovered and underground artists because I enjoy giving them support because already famous singers have enough money and support. However, some of my favorite artists are super famous, like Macklemore and Taylor Swift. 

SO, saying that, I found recently on Facebook two covers of some of Taylor Swift's new songs from 1989. The first is by a girl named Louisa Wendorff. She does a mash-up of Blank Space and Style with one of her friends, Devin Dawson. This song legit gives me the chills it's so awesome. Their voices sound so good together and the way they mix the songs is so incredible. She also came out with her own debut album, so I recommend you buy it!

The second is a Punk Goes Pop cover of Blank Space by a band called I Prevail. They are from Michigan. On their FaceBook page, they cite A Day to Remember and We Came as Romans as their influences, so that's their kind of sound. I'm not the biggest fan of this kind of music, but I do like some of it. This, is just awesome. It sounds so great. Just listen. You will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Healthy New Year!

While I was in the city yesterday, I ordered the most delicious salad from Guy & Gallard!
It has kale, raisons, sun dried tomatoes, cashews, tomatoes, bleu cheese dressing & croutons all chopped up and mixed together. It was pretty healthy minus the yummy croutons! Highly recommended and also only like $11 or $12. Healthy choice for less!

The Silver Cowboy

Aren't these delightful?!
My boyfriend got these for me for Christmas
from the Country Outfitters Miranda Lambert collection!
They are totally shiny silver that go with everything!
I used to live in Tennessee, so these speak to the part of me that loved it there.

Gold and Velvet

So yesterday I spent some time in NYC! I love the city so much!
Lips- Addis Ababa NYX Matte
Leggings- Velvet from Kohl's
and I got my nails done the other day!