Thursday, March 19, 2015

Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

So, last night my good friend Alyssa (who has an amazing website that sells amazing clothes that's called Thrift Whore) went to a play at our school's Preforming Arts Center, and let me tell you- it was so amazing. It started with a chorus of the cast beautifully singing, then they start walking around the stage, pick up wooden cane-like sticks and BANG. 

Out of nowhere they banged them against the ground so loud! It scared the shit out of me, but in a good way! Lol. They did what looked like a "Stomp" number mixed with amazing singing. The script itself sounded like the original Shakespeare script, it had all the "doth" ""thou" and stuff like that. The script was hard to follow for the most part, but the amazing acting totally made up for it. Their acting was the only way I really knew what was going on. 

The acting was done by our BFA Senior Acting Group, and it totally shows. They were so into their characters, I almost believed they were the actual characters. They were running on and off stage, jumping around, kneeling on the floor. It was amazing. One of the best plays I've ever seen and it wasn't even a Broadway! The monologues were so gorgeously done, so emotional and so moving. I wish it could have been video taped so everyone could see it. 

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