Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Thief

Imagine- You get to your guy's car after a nice date at your favorite restaurant. He has a weird look on his face, but unlocks the door as if nothing is wrong. 
You get in the car- Where is my backpack? Where are my things? What's going on? 

"Oh my god" he finally says. You look back, the rear driver window is all over the seat, shattered. 

Is this really happening? You both pause, both in pure and utter shock. 

Then it finally hits you. You've been robbed, violated. Someone was in your car. What did I do to deserve this? 

My things, my whole life. My backpack was stolen. In it was my clothes, my laptop, my keys, my IDs, my makeup. Almost $2,000 of practically brand new things, everything I needed for my spring break this week. 

I scream. I'm crying, literally laying on the pavement wailing like I just watched someone die. My body is numb. 

Then, as I'm thinking about this things in my backpack, I realize my most prized possession is in there. A stuffed animal that I literally slept with every night since I was 5 and that my mom had before me. I scream as loud as I could from my sadness and pain. My heart sinks so low. She was something so irreplaceable I feel like I could just lay there and die from a broken heart. 

My life is gone. 

The cops come and give us a case number. There's nothing they can really do then or at all. Plus, car robberies are practically last on the list of priority crimes because they happen so very often. 

What has to happen next is the hardest-

Acceptance. You have to accept the reality of the situation; I am never going to be getting my things back. I can't do anything about it. No one saw it and there was practically no cameras. 
Nothing in life lasts forever. Sometimes it takes a traumatic experience to fully realize the impermanence of things. No matter how careful you can be, nasty people can always come along and throw a random "shit grenade" into your life. This grenade can be thrown at anyone, anything, and at anytime. The grenade is inescapable. You have to accept the ramifications of someone else's selfish actions and deal with it. It makes you realize how awful the world can be. 

On a somewhat brighter side, it makes you realize that material things aren't what matters in life. I'm alive and my date is alive. In the current day and age, only material things matter. A tragic situation and make you take a step back and understand that there are truly more things in life than materialistic things. (Almost) Everything can be replaced. 
Yes, losing something sentimental is so awful and makes you feel like your life is over. My heart was, and forever will be, broken and hurt. However, maybe your thing will serve a greater purpose in someone else's life. I hope my stuffed animal finds a good home in a little kid somewhere. Even if it is the thief's child. Lovey served me 15 years of love and comfort, I hope she can continue this with another child that needs her. 

Never get so attached to a material that you feel like you'd die without it. Accept and realize life and the world's impermanence. 

And think- Life always gets better. 

I hope my thief gets what he deserves. 

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