Sunday, January 18, 2015

'Cause baby I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream

I'm not really into music like some people are, but I love listening to undiscovered and underground artists because I enjoy giving them support because already famous singers have enough money and support. However, some of my favorite artists are super famous, like Macklemore and Taylor Swift. 

SO, saying that, I found recently on Facebook two covers of some of Taylor Swift's new songs from 1989. The first is by a girl named Louisa Wendorff. She does a mash-up of Blank Space and Style with one of her friends, Devin Dawson. This song legit gives me the chills it's so awesome. Their voices sound so good together and the way they mix the songs is so incredible. She also came out with her own debut album, so I recommend you buy it!

The second is a Punk Goes Pop cover of Blank Space by a band called I Prevail. They are from Michigan. On their FaceBook page, they cite A Day to Remember and We Came as Romans as their influences, so that's their kind of sound. I'm not the biggest fan of this kind of music, but I do like some of it. This, is just awesome. It sounds so great. Just listen. You will not be disappointed.


  1. Hey, I love your posts! I nominated you for the Liebster Award :) x
