Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Healthy hair habits!

Wanting your hair to be model ready? Well do I have some tips for you!
I may not have the longest hair, but my hair is actually in great condition! Super strong and super shiny! (See Above)
 ~Pardon my uneven hair, it used to be a cute haircut, but it's grown out now~

1. Brush your hair at least 3 times a day! For my hair, I use a Balmain brush for extensions, but it has a lot of bristles that helps the circulation of your follicles. This helps your hair grow! Highly recommended.

2. When washing your hair, shampoo your hair every other shower. When you do shampoo, do it twice. Shampoo #1 helps get rid of the residue, like dirt and dead skin cells, and for shampoo #2 1really massage and rub your scalp. I massage my head with shampoo for a couple minutes at least. Again, this helps with circulation! When you condition, I recommend reading the bottle because most have a time frame you're suppose to leave it in that most people don't even know about. And, a little trick to make your hair super soft and silky, wash your hair at the beginning of your shower and then leave your conditioner in while you do whatever else you need to do in the shower so that the last thing your do is rinse out your conditioner. If your hair gets weighed down easily, I wouldn't recommend that, but if it doesn't (like mine!) I highly recommend it!

3. Wide tooth comb only. While hair is wet. DO NOT brush it. Really, just don't. It rips your hair out! Your hair is like a really thin, delicate rubber band when it's wet so you're basically snapping that rubber band right off when you brush it wet without the proper tools! 

4. Deep condition. Regularly. I'll have a video or post coming soon about the best things to put in it, but it's pretty simple. All you really have to do is mix conditioner, maybe some kind of oils- like Moroccan oil, coconut oil, whatever- anything hydrating. Maybe even multiple conditioners. Just mix all of that together, slather it on your head, put a shower cap on and leave it. To make it have even more of an effect, use a hairdryer to make it warm up, let it cool and then rinse it out. Do this once a week for super shiny hair!

5. This may be obvious but it's always good to repeat multiple times- Heat. Use it as little as possibly. Rock your natural hair for a while. Heat obviously causes so much breakage. Throughout high school, I straightened my hair literally almost every single day. Since I got into college, I straightened my hair maybe twice. My hair feels SO much better. (Plus it helps that I do all of the previously mentioned too) 


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